Spray timing
CONVISO® ONE is registered to be used from cotyledon stage until 8 leaf stage of sugarbeet. But the decision on when to apply the herbicide is determined by the growth stage of the weeds.
The guiding weed is Fat hen (Chenopodium album). Once the first fat hens reach the stadium of two true leaves (BBCH 12) the first spray in a split application regime must be applied. In case there is no fat hen in the fields, choose another weed and look for the first individuals showing two true leaves.
Speed of action
Herbicides belonging to the group of ALS inhibitors act slower than the classical herbicides currently used in sugarbeets. After the application of CONVISO® ONE weeds stop growing (1-3 days) followed by yellowing (chlorosis) which then turns into a reddish tone (4-10 days). Finally plants show a progressive browning (necrosis) and will die (7-20 days).